Think about if you were given a jar full of pebbles. Imagine the guessing game that they play at parties and fairs. It’s pretty much impossible to guess how many are in there without some luck, right? In the one you are given some are big some are small making it nearly impossible to guess. The number of pebbles inside are the exact amount of days you have on this earth.
Imagine that you are given the opportunity to remove one pebble for each day you’ve been alive and then you would remove one each day from now on. Would you do it? Would you want to know? Think about that for a second…. Would you live differently if you removed the pebbles of your past and saw that the jar was getting closer to being empty? Would it scare you? Does even thinking about this scare you? I kinda feel bad if it does but I kinda don’t at the same time. If it scares you then I’m making a difference in how the rest of your pebbles (your life) will be spent. You see when you remove the pebble at the beginning of the day you have a choice to consciously acknowledge the gift that it is and make it more beautiful… I personally would paint each of mine gold to make them prettier. Everything’s prettier in gold right?!!
Now seriously, what would you do to make your pebble more beautiful… more meaningful? You see when you are gone your pebbles will remain behind as your legacy… it’s how people remember you.
If you knew how many pebbles remained in your jar right now how would your life look? How would it change?
Would you do things you’ve always wanted to do? Would you forgive anyone? Would you say sorry or I love you more? Or better yet, would you treat people differently if you could see just how many pebbles they have left? Stop here and let that sink in for a moment…
Would this new found knowledge cause you to stay inside fearful to leave in hopes you could outsmart the pebbles… knowing that isn’t how life works?
Would you let the fear of your pebbles running out stop you from actually enjoying each and every one of them?
Or would you LIVE???
Would you wake up each morning to kiss that tiny little unique pebble of the day with excitement of whats to come? Reminding yourself what a gift it is, savoring it, knowing when you laid your head down at night that single pebble of the day would be put aside only to be remembered. Would you have a new found attitude? Would you not give a shit what people thought about you any longer?
Would you stop working at a job you didn’t like or one that keeps you from your family and start following your passion that you’ve put off on all those days you just removed from that jar?
Would you stop stressing about your kids less than perfect test scores?
Would you pause on a “busy day” and smell that rose that you’ve never actually noticed before? Would you spend one of your pebbles on gossip like you’ve done in the past because it made you feel connected to the person who you were talking to? Or would you realize what a waste of precious time that was?
Would you go somewhere new? Would you help out someone in need? Would you say thank you more?
Would you put your phone down and get on the floor with that sweet child of yours who wants nothing more than YOU just how you are?
Would you play music loud and dance without a care in the world of how silly you look?
Would you start a business you’ve dreamed of for years but were too scared you’d fail that you never tried?
Would you make new friends? Would you save more money? Would you spend the money you’ve saved?
What if you could add some extra pebbles to your jar? What would you be willing to do for that? What would that be worth to you? Those pebbles would be literally be like gold!!!
Would you exercise for extra pebbles? What a relief it would be to see your jar filling back up a bit!
Would you quit smoking for some pebbles?
Would you eat more fruits and vegetables if you could be guaranteed even 10 more pebbles??
Some of you, like me, may have already been smacked with the reality that our time is actually limited here on earth by the loss of someone close to you or by a terminal diagnosis. If so, I hope you are coping through the grieving process but no matter how many pebbles we each have left I hope you are kissing your pebble every single day even when its tough to do! I know it can be tough.
I think if we actually could see the jar it would be easier to live a fuller life but I cannot say that that’s what I would choose. Here’s what I’m doing…
I’m enjoying the pebble I’ve been given today. And I’m taking that wet rained upon little pebble and I’m painting it gold in gratitude. My late husband Ryan was given the gift of 14,230 pebbles and I am grateful for the 3,000 or so we were able to share together and I’m especially grateful for the 487 we shared together with our sweet Winston boy.

Today I’m going to be the best mother I can to our boy. I’m playing hard. I’m riding our new silly looking bike while basking in his laughter and answering his never ending questions about everything he sees on our journey.

I’m sketching and designing… I am taking risks and starting my own jewelry line, something I’ve dreamed of for years. I hoping it allows me to earn a living for my son and myself and to raise money for some very important cancer initiatives.
I’ve just started to eat more fruits and vegetables. Letting Winston help pick out the produce has been a fun way to get him interested in veggies too. My go to easy way to get more nutrition has been smoothies! Please share with me if you have some things you enjoy or any good tips. I’ve also started exercising daily and trying to incorporate Winston into whatever I’m doing when possible!
And finally I’m writing from my heart unedited (clearly with my grammatical errors and all) with no real understanding of where this blog is taking me but knowing it feels good to write and connect with others.
Tell me… Would you want to know how many pebbles you have left? What would you do if you knew? How would you make those pebbles the most beautiful rocks the world has ever seen? Would you try to earn more if you could? Please comment below… I really want to know.
On a side note: I never know where my blog is taking me as I write it… It went in a whole other direction today than where it began and I love it! It has inspired me to create a “gold pebble” pendant as my daily reminder of the “gift of today!” More to come about that or message me for more info!!
Cheers to your pebble of the day!